Friday, August 3, 2007

23 week doctor appointment

Just a short update. We went to the doctor yesterday for my regular checkup. Blood pressure still looks good, so WOOHOO!!! and let's not talk about weight gain lol, not bad, still below average, but ouch is all I'm gonna say. The round ligament pain that I still have is normal, and I got a dirty look when I told her that we were moving, so I'm REALLY not allowed to touch any boxes now (sorry Ty).

The funniest part was when the doctor was checking the our little monkey's heartbeat. As soon as she put the doppler on my tummy, baby woke up and kicked it. Then baby wouldn't stay still for very long to let us hear the heartbeat and kept squirming around. I couldn't stop laughing because I could feel the baby trying to hide from the doctor, and we could hear the swooshing sound from the baby moving around. Still has 16 and a half weeks until the due date and our baby is the biggest brat, but I knew that at around 11 weeks with the first scare (painful cramping). Anyhooo there's a mini update on our little one.

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