Tuesday, October 2, 2007

8 weeks to go!!!

This week gone by was definitely more eventful. Unfortunately not to my liking. Jaidyn has decided to be a little monster and try to scare me and the rest of the family... This is what happened on Wednesday last week. And if you don't know... braxton hicks contractions are like practice contractions. They are supposed to be irregular and non consistent. They don't hurt, but I can definitely notice them. It's like my belly turns into a rock for a minute or two.
Wednesday I had braxton hicks contractions, and there were 5 minutes apart for over an hour (NOT supposed to happen) so I decided to call my doctor who was closed. I called the on call doctor who didn't answer. So I ended up calling labor and delivery. They wanted to check everything out so in I went. Well as soon as I was in the bed and hooked up to the monitors nothing happened the entire time I was there. They did a NST and the baby scored 10/10, and decided to have a little party in my uterus while I was there. They called my doctor with the results and said I did the right thing. I was sent home to rest for the rest of the day. My dad had me stay home from work on Thursday and has cut my hours down so I can rest more.
I had my doctors appointment the same day with my blood pressure doctor and he decided that I don't need to come in anymore. My BP was 115/72, even after the stress that day with all the braxton hicks. So looks like all is good.
I had a talk with Jaidyn and told him he has to stop looking for the exit for a few more weeks. I don't know if he will listen though. I'm still getting quite a few braxton hicks contractions, but not consistent. Let's see how long Jaidyn will stay put.
The rest of the week I pretty much rested. I got some new pajama pants and they are awesome!! I needed some that fit and will fit after Jaidyn is born. Right now they fit under the belly, but can kinda fit over if I want. Oooo, I also got a new dressing gown. SOOOO cozy, I love it!
On a random note... I'm still trying to get the bunnies to get along so we can put them in one pen. We got a spray bottle and we put them together. When they start fighting, we spray them. Everytime I spray them, they stop and look at me. Ashley has the funniest look by far because her fur is longer than Coco's. She sits there, soaking wet, tilts her head to one side and gives you the look that says 'what the hell?!?!' So cute. The spray bottle works well to get them apart when they fight... keeping fingers and hands scratch and bite mark free lol.

Okay... so, my weekly belly picture. 32 weeks. I don't know how I am supposed to grow much bigger, but apparently it's gonna happen.

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