We still don't know what the gender of the baby is. We went for an ultrasound at 18 weeks and they wouldn't even look to see what it is. Now, 5 weeks later, I don't want to know any more, but Ty still does. I'm looking forward to having the baby and the doctor telling us if it is a boy or a girl. As long as the baby is healthy, that is all I am concerned about.
We have already picked out the crib bedding, which is yellow with teddy bears. It is so cute!!! We move into our new apartment this week, and we are allowed to paint the baby's room. I'm thinking of a pale yellow, and a pale green with a white line separating the two colors (yellow on the top part of the wall, green on the bottom). I think we would only paint one wall though, the one that the crib is going against. We just need a crib now!! hahaha
Here is my growing belly from 4 weeks along up to the present. I will update it every Tuesday at the start of a new week.
To my horror I started discovering stretch marks this week. I'm scared of how many I'll get, but I know it will be worth it when we have our little one to hold. The only other thing I'm not thrilled about is the round ligament pain I'm getting. At some moments, it leaves me in so much pain I can barely walk. My belly popped out to fast for my body to adjust. I guess it's because I'm only 5'2, so the baby only has room to go out. If you look at my belly pictures, you will
Here is a picture of our baby at 13 weeks, 4 days. I had to go to the hospital because I thought I was miscarrying, but everything turned out fine, and we got this precious picture of our baby. Where it says head, that is where the head is. I know the body looks like the face, but it really isn't. The spot that you can see is either the heart or the bladder... I think it is the bladder.
And these 3 pictures are from the ultrasound at 18 weeks, 1 day. You can even see the eye. I just love our little baby. Its hard to imagine loving someone so much and you haven't even met them. There are no words to describe it.
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